Tithes & Offerings 

ways to give

  • Give Online

    You can send your donations by clicking selecting the green button above.

  • Text to Give

    Text “Give” to 844-949-4032 and follow the intructions prompted by tithe.ly.

  • Give In Person

    We have boxes in the back of our sanctuary that you can simply drop off.

  • Mail A Check

    You can also donate by mailing a check to 220 Edison Way, Reno, Nevada 89502

Thank you for the offerings you have made and are making to Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks. Your offerings, of your time, of your God-given talents, and of your money, help support all that we do.

CCRS could do nothing without faithful offerings. Together, we are the Body of Christ. When we are giving, we are being the faithful people God calls us to be.